I am using Endnote 9 and Word 2016 on Mac.
I am struggling because the appearence of unformated refenrences I insert comes in (). As a consequence, the formatting falsly recognizes all text in () as a reference. I have checked the preferences of endnote and these unformatted refenrences should appear between {} but they do not. I tryed to reinstall every program but the problem remains.
What can I do to solve this problem?
Many thanks for your assistance!
November 27, 2018, 11:39pm
the temporary citation delimiter setting in your document has been changed to ( ).
I would first make a backup copy of the document because EndNote might change some of the text inside of ( ) into a citation.
The temporary citation setting tells EndNote to try to turn any text inside of ( ) into an EndNote citation. The setting can be document specific.
The default setting is to use the { } instead of ( ) which will not be the final format of the citations.
So we can change the setting back to the default.
On the EndNote tab, in the Bibliography group, click on Biblography and then Click Configure Bibliography.
You would then change the temporary citation delimiter setting to { } then click OK.
The “Select Matching Reference” window may come up and you can click Ignore All.
You should now be able to have EndNote stop trying to turn ( ) into EndNote citations.
You might also have some EndNote citations that would still be in the format (Author, Year #Record Number)
You would need to manuulay change them to { } to have EndNote recognize them or reinsert them.
If you have trouble with the steps or if it does not resolve the issue then please contact Technical Support directly:
1-800-336-4474 option 4 then 1 or