Endnote doesn't work with word 2011

I have a macbook pro and the endnote program doesn’t with word 2011.

All software are updated: 

-MAC OS Lion version 10.7.1

-Word 2011 version 14.1.2

-Endnote X4.0.2

I reported a case (TS-00407530) and I followed all  instructions:


And other instructions, but nothing solve my problem.

I uninstalled word and endnote, and installed those programs again. I uninstalled the operation system (clean)  and installed the operation system and word and endnote.

I did everything but nothing worked!

I need a solution!


There is a similar post at http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-General/Word-2011-Endnote-X4-0-2-and-Mac-OS-X-Lion-10-7-Compatibility/m-p/21589/highlight/true#M5589 but it sounds like you’ve tried the same steps with the FAQ. 

EndNote X4.0.2 is not officially compatible with Lion but most people seem to be using it without issues so I would recommend you contact Technical Support at http://www.endnote.com/support/entechform.asp. 

 - Mathilda, the EndNote team