EndNote failure information in word


has anyone already come across the information “EndNote’s language specific initialization failed” when opening word?

The information appears everytime I want to open a new word document regardless of whether I want to use CWYW or not.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Did you have an older version of Endnote installed?  The only mention I have seen to a similar error, is FAQ 38, which refers to Endnote 4  http://www.endnote.com/support/faqs/CWYW/faq38.asp and an old discussion list item

http://lists.adeptscience.co.uk/endnote/endnote_Nov_2000/thid_a5fd0c529e18f4d374dba9818451ac73.html - but Tech support might be worth a try.

No, we’ve got the X2 version installed. We once came across a similar problem and thought of an “older” version not being uninstalled as a possible “error source”. It hasn’t caused any problems up to now, but one has to close 3 windows with similar failure information before being able to work with word. Maybe we just have to uninstall the older version…

I’ll try :slight_smile: