Endnote for iPad

I use Endnote X7.2.1 on a Mac (Yosemite) for my library with 5100 references and lots of attached pdf’s. I sync it with Endnote on my iPad (version 1.2.4 (126)) through an Endnote online account. I had your support change my e-mail address associated with the account (and ResearcherID and Web of Science). The iPad could then no longer sync and once I updated the login e-mail addres on the iPad the library was gone and I had to download it again. That worked fine, but now it will not sort my records according to “Date added”. In the old iPad library this worked fine and I always had the newest added records on top. Now, when I selsct “Date added” as sort option the records appear in random order. In Endnote online and Endnote X7 I the sorting according to “Date added” still works fine.

What can I do to restore this functionality?

I have already once uninstalled and re-installed Endnote on the iPad and downloaded the library once again but this didn’t help.

Tage Dalsgaard