Endnote library disappeared altogether

After downloading the normal Mac OS X updates and restarting my computer, my library disappeared.  The library.Data folder is still on my hard drive, but the .enl file is no where to be found.  I tried searching for it with Spotlight and the “open library…” function in Endnote itself.  What can I do to get my library back?  Is it possible that the .enl file got lost somewhere?  Or, is it possible to reconstruct the library using the .Data folder?  Please help!   I do not want to reenter so many references by hand.

These are the instructions for recreating the library from the DATA folder, using Windows:

If a library has been deleted in error, and the .DATA folder is still intact, it is possible to recreate the library from the .DATA folder. Use a text editor (e.g. Notepad) to create a blank file with the same name as the deleted library (e.g. paleo.enl) and in the same folder as the deleted library. Open EndNote and then open the new file, and the library will be regenerated from the .DATA folder.

I hope that the same procedure works on a Mac.

40000+ records recovered! Sir, you deserve a statue!

This doesn’t seem to work anymore in EndNote 21. I just received an error message stating “EndNote Error” without further details. Any other solutions anyone else has come across?

I would check with endnote support team then. I would be surprised if that broke. You were careful to recreate the empty text file with a clean text editor and the file has the exact same name followed by .enl and the file was located in the same location as the .DATA folder (not IN the DATA folder)?