Can't open Library


I’m having problems to open my Endnote Library, whenever I click on my Library to be opened, it appears a message saying my library is currently being used by some else and that I should try and open it later. Haven’t been able to open it for 3 days. Last day I was woriking on it, while updating some data for a reference, a message appeared saying “An error occured” and I couldn’t do anything until I force quit the software and then all the issue I described previously is been happening. Please I would really appreciate urgent help. 


Can you find an intact .DATA folder?  – If so, copy it to a new place, create an empty (text only) file with the “same library name”.enl and put that in the same folder as the .DATA folder is located, and try to open that new .enl file.  If it works and you sync - you will need to move (I would still save somewhere) the other .DATA folder and .enl file to a backup location and copy both the woirking .DATA folder and newly created .enl folder back to its original location. 

I just had this issue and resolved it for myself. I’m not techy so please excuse my clumsy explanation. My file was connected to a cloud server. Once I made sure all of my sources were localized/downloaded from the cloud the issue went away. 

On a Mac go to finder and locate your file. Click the little cloud icon with the arrow in it on the right-hand side. I was able to open my file after this.