Endnote not recognising references in text


I am currently running Open office and Endnote X7. My problem is that when I re-open a document which has endnote references within it, endnote will not recognise the existing references. Hence, when I add a new reference upon re-opening the file, endnote will start a brand new reference list (deleting the old one). However, strangely the in text numbering remains.

Any advice would be appreciated. I have attached the files in question.

there are no files attached.  

But try unformatting to temporary citations (do they all unformat?) – and if they do – try reformating.  If that doesn’t work you may have to remove fields codes 

ensure no one has opened the document in a different software package, which can corrupt or erase the endnote fields using the step in this article:  http://endnote.com/kb/81143  (don’t worry that the symptoms are different).