endnote on ipad

currently the use of endnote on ipad is (still) unavailable. What is then the best way to use endnote and the ipad?


Even though a native EndNote app has not been released, you can still access your EndNote Web account via Safari on the iPad.  Once you’ve added new references to your EndNote Web account, you could then transfer these references to your EndNote Desktop library - http://endnote.com/support/enwfaqs/Import/faq5.asp .

Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support


Its actually possible to work with Word and EndNote on an iPad (and iPhone if you have good eyes) if you have access to a remote desktop and use the free app IRdesktop (http://www.irdesktop.com/). This is of course a sort of cheating because you are working in a Windows environment with Word and EndNote (through the remote desktop), but it is actually working (I’ve tried most major EN functions within EN and EN in Word and they all work). The main problem for me is that things are a little too small on the screen and I do not not like to write too much on the iPad as I do not have an iPad keyboard.  But I have EndNote on iPad! :wink:

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