I’m not sure if anyone else has this problem (i tried searching but couldnt find any relevant threads?), but I use the online search feature of endnote to pull out bibliographies from various libraries (e.g. sydney university or Australia Natl Uni). .
When i fire up Endnote and use the engine in the online mode it connects to the online library fine and lets me search. . .but the problem is that after a few minutes it is unable to search anymore. . it just stalls showing the ‘search in progress’ bar. The only way i can get it working again is to delete the connection and add it again and then perform the search once more.
Although if i make multiple successive searches with little waiting in between it’s fine.
I thought it may have been the particular uni/college/library i’m using to search but i’ve tried several now (both domestic and intl) and it all has the same result. .the only way i can keep on using it is by keeping the connection ‘alive’ by making a bogus search every now and then. . which is really quite pointless so i’ve had to just make do with deleting and adding the connection each time im doing research and hit up another book.
I’m using EndNote X2.0.1 (build 3889) with Word 2004 on Leopard