Endnote online: is there a way to show abstracts next to the references?

I am using Endnote online for a systematic Review. Is there any way I can display the abstract next to the relevant reference? As it currently is I need to click on the reference and the abstract shows up in a new panel, but if I have to this for thousands of references it is too time-consuming. I would need to see references and abstract in side-by-side panels (as it is with Endnote desktop) in order to skim rapidly through titles and abstracts
Thankyou for any help you can give me

That implies you are not using a computer for this?

I am indeed using a computer but I am using the free online sofware from Endnote and not Endnote desktop which is available only on payment.

Then you will probably get all the support you have paid for.

I think you are right. But since I am new to Endnote I wanted to make sure this was the case (before purchasing it with my own funds: I am a clinical hospital-based researcher and my instution does not pay for it). Thank you for your feedback