I would to disagree with you there.
Creation tool and Word Processor Tool Point
You posit straw man arguments that has some modicum of truth to them, making it compelling, but on analysis, your points are not exactly correct.
Indesign is versatile. It can be used either as a creation tool or word processor. Your point negates the basic truths of the functions that Indesign has. Pure creation tools like CorelDraw don’t have footnotes and endnotes functions that combo programs like Indesign does. Even Word falls short of the functionality of footnotes within Indesign. In fact, the Indesign program features, like for like, match the functions that Word has, but Indesign has more. This is why Indesign has a book feature and Word doesn’t; why Indesign has more advanced typography controls than what Word has. The only thing lacking in Indesign is the ability to produce multiple Indices, which Word can do.
The majority of writers, not all, that use footnotes/endnotes are writers, not designers. Furthermore, many professional writers have purchased the plugin from ID-Extras called ‘footnote’ which is designed for pure text inclusion: “Fully-automated Complex Layouts with Multi-column Footnotes in InDesign made easy!” (Footwork - Id-Extras.com)
Furthermore, I think you will find that those that use the ID-Extra plugin, the books that have been published are pure text only books. I have written many articles with pure text in Indesign. I think your point is a flimsy one—the evidence for Indesign that it doubles up as a word processor are demonstrated in the functions of Indesign, and secondly, the outputed published books with pure text.
Export Word Documents to Indesign
I don’t understand your argument. Why in the world would you want to export a Word document to Indesign if there was an Indesign CWYW plugin plugin. The whole point for requesting the plugin is to enable writers like myself to totally disband with writing in Word. My suggestion would facilitate writing in Indesign by using the proposed Indesign CWYW.
I also can match your last point. I am an advanced user of both Word and Indesign. I have produced many documents and books with Indesign. I also have produced many image based documents and pure text documents in Word for well over a decade.
I think it would be fantastic if Clarivate did produce an Endnote plugin for Indesign—time well spent. I think your points are very weak and flawed reasoning for not producing it.