Although there is no Word 2011 compatibility with Endnote X3 or X4 is there/will there be compatibility with Endnote Web? If there will be is there any idea when?
Thanks. Matt
Although there is no Word 2011 compatibility with Endnote X3 or X4 is there/will there be compatibility with Endnote Web? If there will be is there any idea when?
Thanks. Matt
Did you get a reply to your post? I have the same issue. Cheers, Wendu
@matthew_was wrote:
Although there is no Word 2011 compatibility with Endnote X3 or X4 is there/will there be compatibility with Endnote Web? If there will be is there any idea when?
Thanks. Matt
I really like to hear the answer, too if you got one.
I really like to hear the answer, too, if you got one!!
There is going to be support for Word 2011 in EndNote Web. I don’t think we know exactly when it will be available, but I’ll make sure to update the forum when we do.