Please advise what I should do to fix this problem:
I have been working on my paper with Endnote very well so far until one day I could not Cite When You Write properly anymore. It always report “Command Failed” on this Word file. However, when I open new blank Word file OR EVEN the older version (I always Save As everyday) of this file which I “saved as” few weeks ago, Endnote works properly.
One more thing is when I tried to copy the text with citation in this current file (the word file with the problem) and paste into new blank file and click “Update Citations and Bibliography”. All the citations covert properly and the problem gone.
However, since I am working on track changes and need to send as it is to my Professor later on (then he knows what is changed), I cant copy paste in new world file as you know all the track changes will be gone/accepted.
I do not know what happen and how to fix this Endnote problem on my currently working file.
“The requested object could not be found”, “Command failed”, “Unknown error”, “Object has been deleted”, “the range cannot be deleted” and other messages may appear while formatting a document containing Track Changes.
With modern versions of EndNote ( EndNote 9,X-X7 and later) you will need to not be viewing the Track Changes (Track Changes can be on, just not visible) to be able to format documents without the error messages noted above.
To turn off the viewing of tracked changes, go to the “Review” tab in word, and to the right of “Track Changes” you will see a drop down menu. In the menu you will change this to an option called “Final” or “No Markup” (depending on your version of Word, you will only have one of these available on this menu). Once this is set to “Final” or “No Markup” try formatting the document again and the error should not happen if it was due to this issue.
Thank you for your advice. However, I do not see it is relevant to what I need. I have no problem with dealing with track changes. The problem is with Endnote.
This solved me “command failed” problem. The activation of Tracked Changes was the culprit. In Word 2013, I went to the Tracked Changes ribbon and switched the default “all markup” with “no markup”. Problem solved. Thanks for posting this solution.
I had this problem using a document downloaded from Dropbox that had been created in Word for Web. After hours of trying to figure this out, I copied the file link in downloads to a folder on my PC. Endnote worked perfectly in the copied file.