I am a student and fairly new to EndNote, but I am having this same problem with EndNoteX3 on a Windows 7 machine. I have tried the batch file work-around and I still get the same error message. I have found that if I clear the attached PDF and reattach it, it works just fine (for now…), but I’m not going to manually reattach the PDFs for >300 articles. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why the batch file trick didn’t work, or another method for fixing this problem?
Other interesting factoids that might help:
Not all my EndNote references are doing this, just the vast majority of them
My library is not stored locally on my computer, rather the library and all the PDFs are stored online on DropBox and I have been building this library from my desktop at home and my laptop at school.
There does not appear to be a correlation between which computer I was using at the time when I created the reference and which ones give an error message when attempting to open the attached PDFs.