EndNote X4 Sync

Hi, I am using an EndNote X4, and I am wondering if there is a sync function between desktop(or laptop or any other computers) and my EndNote web account.

I know there is a transfer function, but I do not think it syncs completely, such as groups.

For example, if I have 3 groups in my library and want to transfer them to the web account, using transfer function, I need to create the same groups on the web in advance.

Is there any function that complete sync (groups+files) between web and any computer in X4?

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I’m also wondering about a sync function between the local endnote (laptop/desktop) and endnote web.

Kind of disapointed not to find it on X4 yet.

Any plans for fixing this.  Should I wait for X5?


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As of April 12, 2012 with Thomson Reuters EndNote X5.0.1, synchronization capability is still lacking. As mobile devices proliferate while the desktop software remains the most feature rich, it would be useful to be able to use the EndNote X5.0.1 windows application as a client synchronized to library storage on EndNote web. I would like to be able to use a mobile phone or e-reader’s browser to do simple management of my library via a web interface and then be able to synchronize those changes with EndNote client software running on desktop/laptop systems. Are there capabilities in EndNote to support these use cases?

You can access the EndNote Web Mobile site here:


At this time, there is no synchronization option between EndNote Web and EndNote Desktop, but you can transfer the references to the desktop application using the EndNote Web option from the Tools menu as outlined here:


More information on the ongoing developments of future EndNote and EndNote Web capabilities can be found by reviewing the comments by Jason Rollins of the EndNote Team in this forum posting:


Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474

Although not recommended by moderators here and known to have some issues lots of users are happily getting on with their library and pdfs and styles etc. on a cloud-based service using Dropbox or similar. This gives the kind of seamless sync and cross-platform capabilities that multi-device, cross platform and mobile users need (and rival products like Mendely have at the outset).

Will we see it? x5 disappointed and the developments sound like they will remain with ‘tranfer’ not ‘sync’ and then add discriminatation against the larger share of Android based smartphone users in favour of the iOS elite - sigh…

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One of the reasons we don’t recommend using a program like Dropbox to store a copy of your EndNote library is that it’s possible for the Dropbox Sync to damage a library if it’s open on multiple computers at the same time- We want this to work better for our users and we don’t recommend doing it because you can lose your data using sync programs like Dropbox.

If you do keep your library on Dropbox, be sure to save a copy frequently to another location in case the library becomes damaged.

Colin Gillies
Technical Support Representative
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
Thomson Reuters and its product names and acronyms used herein are trademarks, service marks, and registered trademarks used under license

So I guess, if one user is utilizing the drop box exclusively as a “network” drive available from any computer, ensures they don’t “leave it open” on one of the other computers,  it probably works?Â