Endnote X7.5 - In text citations for organizations - Abbreviated Names

Hi everyone,

Can someone let me know the best way to add in text citations in APA format so that an organization name like “U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” shows as (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2012). Then I can continue with just the abbreviated name of the organization (HHS, 2012). 

I can’t figure out how to get this to work with endnote. I have several long organization names I’d like to abbreviate throughout my text. 

Thanks so much!


Unfortunately, at present there isn’t a function in Endnote that will automatically switch from the full organization name in the first in-text citation (as shown in your example) to an acronym in subsequent citations. The usual way would be to edit the citation to hide the Author and Year then manually enter the citation in the format as shown in your first in-text citation and the subsequent acronym form.

However, here’s a workaround which will generate the first in-text citation formatted in the manner shown in your example (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2012) yet not affect citations of records not containing acronyms. To generate the acronym in subsequent citations just edit the citation to exclude the Author field. (Refer to image #2 for the sample result.) This workaround (detailed below) encompasses: 1) creating a custom field in the citation template to contain the acronym; 2) entering the acronym info in the Endnote record; 3) adjusting the output style’s “Citation” template to include the custom/acronym field.



  1. Create a custom field (e.g. “Acronym”) to be used to contain the acronym information in the Endnote record. (Go to the Endnote toolbar and select Edit >Preferences then in the Endnote Preferences dialog box click to select “Reference Types”. Click “Modify Reference Types” then select the reference type to modify. Name the Custom 8 field “Acronym”. [Refer to image #1.] This field can be added across all the reference types by clicking the “Apply to all Reference Types” button – if you’re not sure whether the Custom 8 field is being used within other reference templates you may want to manually add the custom field to specified templates.

  2. Go to the Endnote record, scroll down the fields until you reach the Acronym field. Enter the acronym then exit the record and save the changes. [Refer to image #1.]

  3. Change the output style’s Citation template to include the Custom 8 field (refer to image #1).After completing the changes exit the dialog box which will save the output style to a new file name. Adjust MS Word to use the new output style file.

Refer to image #2 for the sample output in the modified output style file* is attached for your reference.


*To install the file:

  1. Download the file on to your desktop.
  2. Double-click the style file. It should open in EndNote.</font>
  3. In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”. You can save the file as is or read a bit as you wish then click “Save”.
  4. Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.
  5. Adjust MS Word to use the new output style file.

    APA 6th_reblin.ens (67.1 KB)

If you are using the Edit Citation dialog box then edit the citation to Exclude Author then enter the desired info in the “Prefix” field. Or as an alternative, edit the citation using the “temporary citation” format which displays curly braces. (Note that the number refers to the Endnote record number.) Both methods are detailed below.

  1. Refer to image #1 to achieve the citation format of: (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2012). Or edit the citation when it’s in the “temporary citation” format so that the in-text entry appears as:
    {U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]`, , 2012 #592}

  2. Refer to image #2 to achieve the citation format of: (HHS, 2012). Or edit the citation when it’s in the “temporary citation” format so that the in-text entry appears as:
    {HHS`, , 2012 #592}