Use abbreviated organizational author in in-text citation


I have lots of long organizational authors that I would like to appear like this in my reference list / bibliography:

UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). 2010. United Nations end of bibliography full citation.

In my text, I want the reference to look like this (UNICEF 2010) according to the recommondation of the Chicago Manual of Style.

But EndNote ‘wants’ to write the in-text citation like this: (UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) 2010).

So, I would like to ‘tell’ EndNote somehow (perhaps in some kind of style modification option?) to exclude the author information that appears in parentheses in the reference entry.

Does anyone know how to do that?

I have searched online and in these message boards for a solution, but the only one I have found seems burdensome for a long document with many citations: that is, to manually edit each in-text citation to reflect what I really want it to be. Is there any updated or improved solution that ‘automates’ the task? It seems like an easy enough thing to program into the EndNote software … and I’d be surprised if it hasn’t been done.



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If I’m reading your posting correctly it sounds like the organization’s acronym (UNICEF) and the full name (United Nation’s Childrens Fund) may need to be treated separately to allow differences for the in-text citation and the bibliography:

  1. To have the in-text citation appear as (UNICEF, 2010), enter the acronym UNICEF in the Author field followed by a comma like this: UNICEF,

  2. Then modify the reference type template to add a Custom field (e.g., Org Name) which will be used to “hold” the complete organization’s name. (This would entail locating each EndNote reference and manually entering the organization’s full name in the Custom field.)

  3. Then finally modify the output style’s bibliography template so the Custom Field is added after the Author Field.  The bibliography will then show both the acronym (from the Author field) and the complete organization’s name (from the Custom field).

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Brilliant! That works. Great idea. Thank you very much.

Actually, I spoke too soon. The changes appear correctly reflected in the bibliography, but not correctly reflected in the in-text citation. Basically, what I see in the customized template I’ve created is NOT reflected in MS Word.

This is now my customized template for the bibliography (and this appears correctly):

Author Author LONG Name. Year. Title. Review of Reviewed Item. Journal| Volume| (Issue)|:Pages|. 

And this is my customized template for the citation :

(Author Year|, Cited Pages|) 

This does NOT appear correctly in Word; it’s as though it were

Author Author LONG NameYear|, Cited Pages|) … which is exactly what i was trying to avoid by creating the custom field and custom template. 

Any ideas?

Thank you!


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The way I would recommend getting around this is to enter the author’s name as you’d like to see it in the bibliography, so:

UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)

this will cause it to look temporarily incorrect in your intext citations. However, you can then use the Edit & Manage Citations tool to Exclude your Author Name, and add the author name as you’d prefer to see it:


as a Prefix.

Does that work for you?

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After modifying the output style’s bibliography template, the changes are saved as a “Copy” (e.g., Chicago 15th Copy). So did you adjust both EndNote and MS Word to use the “copy” version of the output style otherwise the changes won’t be reflected in the document.

Also just to reiterate my prior postng  about modifying the templates, have attached examples* of both the in-text Citation and Bibliography templates which were adjusted to fit your description about the preferred output*.  (Note that a Custom field named “Author Long Name” was added to the reference template. This example uses the Book reference type template but other templates requiring similar changes would need to be modified as well.)  Also have attached an example as to how the citation and reference appears in MS Word. 


*Image 1 shows the modifications to the citation and bibliography template. Image 2 shows the in-text citation in MS Word displaying the organization’s acronyn (UNICEF)  and year. The bibliography displays both the organization’s acronyn and the full name of the organization (United Nations Children’s Fund).

**Note: The Citation template has a comma between the Author and Year fields.  If your preference is to omit the comma just delete the comma from the template.

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I found this very helpful as I am facing this issue with some of my references as well. But now I wonder what I can do if I have two or more organisations with long names in one reference, e.g. UNICEF and FAO. The Author_LONG NAME field obviously will not put the right Name behind the appropriate abbreviation, will it?

Since this post is rather ancient, there might be a better option with EndNote X7?


The attached picture shows the outcome of what I have done. I made a custom field Author_LONG NAME, where I put the whole name of the organisation. Now in the in-text it looks just fine, but in the bibliography it will first list all the authors and THEN the Author_LONG NAME field values.

Any suggestions?

I know I’m adding to an old post but I thought this may be useful to anyone using endnote now. I put the long name followed by the bracketed acronym in the author section of the endnote reference (to ensure it went in the reference section of my document). The first time I used the reference I inserted the full reference. Following this, if I needed to reuse it and it was in the middle of the text and needed to be author (year) I inserted the date excluding the author and manually typed the acronym before the date but if it was at the end of the paragraph and needed to be (author year) I inserted the date only and then added the acronym as a prefix. This seemed to work OK.

Hi.  Sorry, old post, I know, but I’m hoping someone can respond. I also have the same issue (Endnote 7).  I’ve been using this approach - which is great as long as the citation is the only one in the brackets.  If there are multiple citations in the same set of brackets, the prefix is positioned before the first citation - even if this is not the one it relates to.  In other words, if the organisational author that needs to be abbreviated is 2nd, 3rd or 4th (etc.) in a bracketed list of citations, the abbreviation in the ‘prefix’ field appears before the 1st citation in the brackets.  Is there a simple solution to this?

Never noticed that before.  hmmmph.  I get it to work by manually moving the citation to where it will appear in the edit citation, more and moving it down.  But this is a bug as far as I am concerned.  

I’d like to second this. The need for long author in ref list and short author in citation has been requested on this forum for 10+ years, and nothing seems to have improved. it is not a rare case, and manual editing of citations after EndNote formats them is not acceptable on some projects (eg dozens on people and thousands of pages). The requirement is that a citation might look like this:

(ABS & CSIRO 2008)

And in the ref list it should look like this:

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) & CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) (2008). Rest of bibliographic info…

Is this possible?