X7 Importing journals doesn't rename


I have installed X7 on Windows 7 and importing journals using the auto import from a folder worked for the first 29 files, however it has stopped working now so instead of changing the names of the files to the journal title, the files remain their original name, which is usually just numbers.

I have checked the settings to make sure they are set to rename journals to their title name and it is set correctly.

Any suggestions please?

Did you install the update which upgrades EndNote X7 to X7.0.1?  [Go to the toolbar and select Help > EndNote Program Updates]

 If you’re running the latest version:

  1. Was there any difference  in the original file names (e.g., length, inclusion of special characters - provide an example) between the group of pdfs that weren’t renamed and the 29 pdfs that were renamed? What was the total number of pdfs in the auto folder being renamed?
  2. In order to isolate the renaming problem is limited to that group of pdfs, did you retest by using just the problematic pdfs? (Create a new library for the test.)