Endnote X8.2 won't import references

I have recently encountered a problem with Endnote where it will not let me bulk import references into a library. This is the case regardless of whether this is from a database online, or copied from another endnote library.

When importing, the number in the ‘unfiled references’ folder reflects the number of references I have tried to import, but there is no sign of them in the library. This also then corrupts the library causing it to lock itself and resulting in many recoveries during my working day.

Is there any way to fix this issue? I have already tried deleting my download history on my PC to see if that helps, and tried removing my endnote preferences.

Please contact Technical Support directly

1-800-336-4474 option 4 then 1 or


We had this problem on a few of our machines here.  We reinstalled and it fixed the problem, but later I also found this advice. 
