Endnote X8 crahses Word 2016 on Windows 10


I am using EndNote X8 (Bld 10063) and Office 2016 (version 1702 (Build 7870.2020) on Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 14393) (14393.rs1_release.161220-1747)

When I want to insert the citations, Word crashes and restarts.

What can I do ?

Thank you for your help




To solve this I made a new endnote library (File–> New–> save it)

I had to manually add again the desired articles, books and I could cite and import the reference list without crashing Word 2016 on Windows 10.

Experiencing the same problem.

Creating a new library doesn’t solve the problem.

Endnote-version: 8.0.1 (Build 10444)

Word 2016 version: 1702 (build 7870.2024)

Endnote is crashing Word on every start - doesn’t matter whether the Plugin is enables or disabled.

Only solution i have got so far - which in reality aren’t a solution, is to uninstall endnote completely.

This Endnote release is plagued by serious bugs; has nothign to do with the status of the library. Case and point it works on a Mac without issues, as did X7, but not on a PC- whereas X7 last worked fine.

issues include:

  • Crashes and false “Library error” messages after the PC has been in sleep;

  • In Word Macro errors and lines which appear in the text above, but are purely Endnote X8 macro related

  • Poor formatting in the Bibliography, including extra lines, spaces, missing dots, extra periods between words

  • Errors with specific templates such as the Chicago and Turabian styles. Some of these are also on a Mac, but not present in x7

  • GUI errors where if the Endnote window is moved somehow, you are unable to resize it. Restarting it does not work.

Have several pending cases.

of note, since Clarivate bough Thomson Reuters, Customer Service supports routs to Asia to unintelligible VOIP phones and poor language operators. Both numbers lead to the same centers. 1/10 they may lead to a North American call center.

As it stands am deferring paying for the program until such time it works. Its quirks became worrysome during 20 / 25 pp final papers I submitted, forcing me to remove the formatting and do everythign manually.

This Endnote release is plagued by serious bugs; has nothing to do with the status of the library. Case and point it works on a Mac without issues, as did X7, but not on a PC- whereas X7 last worked fine.

Issues include:

  • Crashes and false “Library error” messages after the PC has been in sleep. technical support verified via remote, and the library is fine.

  • In Word Macro errors and lines which appear in the text above, but are purely Endnote X8 macro related.

  • Poor formatting in the Bibliography, including extra lines, spaces, missing dots, extra periods between words.

  • Errors with specific templates such as the Chicago and Turabian styles. Some of these are also on a Mac, but not present in x7.

  • GUI errors where if the Endnote window is moved somehow, you are unable to resize it. Restarting it does not work.

Have several pending cases. Tonight will retest all the above on a Mac.

Of note, since Clarivate bough Thomson Reuters, Customer Service supports routs to Asia to unintelligible VOIP phones and poor language operators. Both numbers lead to the same centers. 1/10 they may lead to a North American call center.

As it stands, quirks became worrisome during 20 / 25 pp final papers I submitted, forcing me to remove the formatting and do everything manually. I was extremely lucky to not be penalized for bibliography errors.

This Endnote release is plagued by serious bugs; has nothing to do with the status of the library. Case and point it works on a Mac without issues, as did X7, but not on a PC- whereas X7 last worked fine.

Issues include:

  • Crashes and false “Library error” messages after the PC has been in sleep. technical support verified via remote, and the library is fine.

  • In Word Macro errors and lines which appear in the text above, but are purely Endnote X8 macro related.

  • Poor formatting in the Bibliography, including extra lines, spaces, missing dots, extra periods between words. 

  • Errors with specific templates such as the Chicago and Turabian styles. Some of these are also on a Mac, but not present in x7. 

  • GUI errors where if the Endnote window is moved somehow, you are unable to resize it. Restarting it does not work.

Have several pending cases. Tonight will retest all the above on a Mac.

 Of note, since Clarivate bough Thomson Reuters, Customer Service supports routs to Asia to unintelligible VOIP phones and poor language operators. Both numbers lead to the same centers. 1/10 they may lead to a North American call center.

As it stands, quirks became worrisome during 20 / 25 pp final papers I submitted, forcing me to remove the formatting and do everything manually. I was extremely lucky to not be penalized for bibliographic errors.

I can confirm that it has formatting erors in Mac as well, be it no crashes… Check out the Monaghan entry, for example. Now, if you go in manually, it will create macro issues.

Well it crashes again after a few minutes :confused:

Are others still having this problem? I"m on a trial version of X8 and, at this rate, will be switching to a different software.