I am not able to get six citations followed by et al. in CMI endnote style
The references are like:
[26] V. Muthu, R. Agarwal, S. Dhooria, I.S. Sehgal, K.T. Prasad, A.N. Aggarwal, A. Chakrabarti, Has the mortality from pulmonary mucormycosis changed over time? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Clin Microbiol Infect 27(4) (2021) 538-49.
Kindly help. I have edited the endnote style too but no avail. This ens needs to be updated
In which version of the program. I think there is a glitch in EndNote20 versions that shows one more than the number chosen. (see Problematic bug/error in EndNote 20.0.1 - Wrong number of authors in some styles) – The current workaround was to reduce the max number of authors by one from what it should be – and I would save it as an output style with the -fixes-glitch so you can return to the original, once the software is fixed? That thread also reports that it hasn’t been fixed in EndNote 21.1 - which is the most recent release.
Thanks leanne for taking out time and helping.
Update: Using Endnote 21.2, Windows 11 23H2
The hack did not work. I have got most of the things sorted as per the new CMI requirement. The only thing is I have 7 references. Instead of citing six and then et al., it cites all 7 refs.
Endnote team: the clinical microbiology and infection ens needs updating