Exclude author manually

So say I have two citations by the same author and I want to group them together in a footnote (Chicago 17), excluding the repeated author’s name in the second citation. In other words, I would like the footnote to appear as follows:

Smith, *My Book*, 22; *Another Book*, 99.

Both books are by Smith. However, the default is to display them like this:

Smith, *My Book*, 22; Smith, *Another Book*, 99.

I can correct this by editing the citation and choosing “exclude author” for the second citation. This procedure gives the right result (shown in my first example above ). But it’s very slow to edit the citation each time through the GUI. I would like to be able to type the code directly in the note, which is much faster:

{Smith, 2018@41;, 2020@99}

Note the missing author name in the second citation. This is also how EndNote renders the code if you unformat a citation with an excluded author (although EndNote also includes the record number).

The problem is that if I type this code (even including the record number) and format it, the author name in the second citation reappears. So EndNote is “ignoring” the missing author name in my code. It sees no difference between

{Smith, 2018@41;, 2020@99}


{Smith, 2018@41;Smith, 2020@99}

Both of those code strings result in:

Smith, *My Book*, 22; Smith, *Another Book*, 99.

This seems incorrect! There is an actual “exclude author” option that works if you go through the steps, shouldn’t there be a way to force this option through manually typed code?

Or maybe I’m missing something in the typed code that would allow me to exclude an author when I want to?


(I’m using EndNote 21.3 Build 20232 on MacOS Sonoma 14.5 with Word 16.87 integration. The problem describes has been around for years, for as long as I can remember.)

For the citation settings, is your style using this option?

And if that isn’t working correctly (and it often doesn’t if the second or subsequent authors are different) Are your preferences set right here:

The first solution doesn’t apply because I use footnotes, not in-line citations.

The second solution (checking “Omit author and/or year…”) works! However, I’m not sure why the developers have “author and/or year” bundled together. There will be some use cases where one would want to omit the author name (because repeated) but not the year (because it hasn’t been mentioned previously). But those are probably limit cases.

Thank you.

It is because when you omit one or the other from the citation it can be either - but can do both (just have the record number) - for example, if you are adding the citation after a statement like "in 2024, Smith reported (add citation, which will be invisible if (Author, Year) or have a number if a numbered citation (which really doesn’t matter anyway). This really only applies when you are in-text citations – but hardly anyone constructs footnotes in that way. so as long as you keep the year, in your “citation” it will keep it in your footnote.

Note – in the early days of endnote, before CWYW - I used to just put in the record numbers. When CWYW became a thing, they put in these preference FOR ME! so I could could turn that setting off, and continue to format those papers without inserting all the full temporary citations. Boy – When Niles owned Endnote, that was a very responsive development team!

I see. Very interesting, thanks again!