I am trying to export my studies from Endnote to exel. I tried to use the official “Tab-Delimited Export” file (Tab-Delimited Export | EndNote) but the order of colums in excel is not the same order as in Endnote
I followed these steps, but I change some displaying fields (preferences) and now in the excel file there is lots of additional colums that I dont want to display and the order is completly different.
Maybe the screenshots can help to understand my problem
The 1st screen shot of the Library display window, which you showed, can be completely reorganized depending on your preferences (drag and drop and add and delete fields by right clicking) and have no bearing on the order of the fields in the export file- which are the generic field names, but if you delete any, you will not necessarily export everything in your library, as different reference types have different field names and use different generic fields for data.
The current order in the output style is below. Edit the output style to rearrange them if you like. You can also cycle thru some of these in your library display and sort on the field to see if any of the records contain information you want to export (but can only display up to eight at time). If they don’t, you could delete them from the output style (and save as to a new name, so you keep your preferred version for the future.)