Export of Attachment using RIS format


I am new in Endnote and I have got only a trial version to test its functionalities. I am specially interested in importing/exporting references with attachments (PDF files) from/to other systems. I have got a problem when using the Export from Endnote and the RIS Output Format. It only exports the usual fields (Author, Title, etc.). The Attachment does not appear in the file which is generated, though it is specified when I edit the reference I want to export.

What is the trick ?

thanks in advance

Hi there. There is no trick, Iā€™m afraid. You have to attach the pdfs after you have imported the reference. Save it temporarily somewhere and then attach it to the relevant reference. The pdfs will be stored in your .Data folder.

See also the Download PDF with citation thread below this one.



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thanks for replying, Cathy - though I am a little bit disappointed - I do not want to attach all my references manually !