Figures in Endnote

I do not mean to start a flame war with this question, but what advantage does using Endnote for Figures have over just insterting figures using Word’s functionality? 

I don’t think it will be a flame war.  I think it was a Developers experiment that was not a big success, and thus they dropped futher enhancing it, but since there are some users who use it, they didn’t delte what functionality was there.  

The power of Word in handling figures, is much more elaborate, and sometimes even funtional, although in Word 2010 I have yet to come to grips with it entirely, which is the other problem.  

The options and way to do things changes significantly behind the scenes, and thus a 3rd party product such as Endnote, is always running in place to keep up with the various versions of the software products it needs to embed itself into!.  

(FYI, I am a longtime user of Endnote, and not associated with the company in any way.)

As usual, Leanne is spot on. The Figures features was something we added as an experiement years ago and have not updated at all due to apparent lack of interest and input from our customers. We would be happy to revisit it but do not have much user input to help guide us.

If anyone does have specfic feedback for ways we could update the Figures feature in EndNote, please post them here or feel free to reach out to me directly.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

jason [dot] rollins [@] thomsonreuters [dot] com