Endnote’s feature find duplicates does not completely detect all duplicates from a file. I maintain a large data of almost 1500 references. When I try to delete identified duplicates, I find there are a few more titles that I have to manually check to remove. Is there a way to check via similar titles.
I think preferences can be changed to use alternative scenarios of fields to check. sometimes title only works, or sometimes because once source might use a symbol and another uses the word for a symbol, they don’t match exactly. Surprising how many titles different authors use that are the same!
I’ve run into similar issues with same title but different sources (e.g., one a report, one a web page or press release).
In these cases, i add to the secondary source’s title in brackets at the end “[DO NOT USE]” so when it shows up in the list after Insert Citation in MS Word, i cas easily detect which record i want to insert.
Ive never used the automatic duplicate finder but i import one record at a time and then quality check it then to assure it will output correctly. I have about 6,000 records over 12 years of research.