Find Full Text using proxy

I have read in the EndNote How To board that you are planning to add features to the full text feature with the next patch.

<The message below is also listed in that thread.> 

If you haven’t already, it would be outstanding if you could investigate integrating the full text feature with an individual’s proxy configuration so that you could download articles served from proxy servers.  I am thinking of a preferences tab for full text which allowed you to enter your institution’s proxy server address and your login and password.  The request from EndNote for the full text would then use the proxy URL to check for access. 

I don’t know if this is even a possible thing to do with Ezproxy.  

In our University situation, we have a complicated network arrangement where multiple organisations (from a contractual point of view with suppliers) including hospitals and research institutes share an IP network range with the University so we have very limited on campus IP recognition by full text providers and most things are served to authenticated users through Ezproxy.  It would also be good if the system was able to handle the Athens authentication system.

I have had success with using the full text system with a range of journals now and am astounded at the possibilities it presents.  I also wonder how it will be perceived from a copyright point of view, given many suppliers could provide multiple PDF downloads from their websites if they wanted this to be allowed but haven’t and this system appears to allow unlimited downloads.


Patrick Condron

University of Melbourne Library
