I have edited Author-Date style and the bibliography side of it appears to be fine, at least when I export it. For example, when I export a “Letter” reference type (a type I created), I get:
Clarke, G. 2000. Letter from the Chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. 20 September.
Which is what I want.
However, my changes to the footnote side of the Author-Date style simply aren’t recognised and the footnote format is completely different to anything I’ve selected or seen. What I want in a footnote format is simply author and date (I can add page numbers under Edit Citation), for example: Clarke 2000, 231.
When I insert a citation (as a footnote) I end up with:
Geoff Clarke, “Letter from the Chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission,” ed. World Heritage Committee (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, 2000).
and the bibiolography entry (at end of Word doc) is the same, with the addition of an (unwanted) indent.
I’m not sure that I’ve got the basics correct. When I edit the style I do the following:
under “Format citations in footnotes:” I select “Using footnote format”
I check the box entitled “Include citations in bibiography”
I check the box entitled “When using the short form, include the title field only when needed to disambiguate a citation”
I then select the reference types under the “Reference Types” dropdown listing and insert relevant fields using the “Insert Field” dropdown listing
Anyone with a quick cure?