Help: No URL when Pubmed import

I tried to import citation file “.nbib” generated online by pubmed into endnote X6 for mac.

The filter was "pubmed(NLM) " or “Pubmed Central(NLM)” .

The citations did imported successfully, however, i cant find the url using hot key “command+G”.

I check the url item, found out it was not imported. 

It’ s really annoying. Can anybody tell me how to fix this?

Ordinarily, you should use the method found in this article to download and imoprt your citations from PubMed into EndNote X6 for the Mac:

However, there are certain times when the URL information is not provided in the export file from PubMed. When this happens, you can use the Reference Update feature to populate the field. To do this, highlight the record(s) in your library and then click the References menu > Find Reference Update.

An alternative way to obtain the URL is to search PubMed directly within EndNote. If you have never used the Online Search option in EndNote, the following video provides an overview of the process: