I have a lot of folders in EndNote organized by keywords. Each folder contains along with the research paper and bibliographic info my research notes as well. I want to print out the author name, paper title, and my research notes for the set of documents in a folder, is this possible?
Sorry I am new to EndNote. I am using the X2 version and by “folder” I mean “custom groups”. Lets say I have a custom group ‘Trust’ and I have 15 papers in that, I want a mechanism to print the research notes I have about those 15.
Endnote’s print is defined by the output style you are using. If you are using APA style, selected records will be formatted by the APA style. To be able to print your personal notes, you need to include the field you entered your notes, in the style definition. That means, you have to customize the output style.
Then, click multiple records by Shift+click or Ctrl+click, preview your print format.
Sorry I am new to EndNote. I am using the X2 version and by “folder” I mean “custom groups”. Lets say I have a custom group ‘Trust’ and I have 15 papers in that, I want a mechanism to print the research notes I have about those 15.
You can use Ctrl+A to select all of these records in the group. Make sure you do that in the record listing pane, not in the group listing pane.
I suppose I am close to the solution but how do I edit the output style? Some step-by-step guidance will be great! [Note: I went to Edit -> Output Style -> Open style Manager -> APA 5th in the options and clicked Edit. And can’t find anything about research notes there] [Note2: I went to Edit -> Preferences -> Display fields and was able to add research notes in the columns but that is not what i want]
Like I said if you can please provide me steps that would be wonderful.
I suggest you to go to help file and cover some of the contents in “Bibliographic Style”. Customizing output style is pretty much described there. Endnote is all about formatting bibliography (besides database functions), so it will be necessary information for you anyway. Without covering that, step by step intructions will be too lengthy (and I don’t have time to write such one.)