I am having difficulty figuring out how to insert Endnote citations into Pages 09 documents. I have Endnote X5 for Mac on my computer and I am using Pages 09. When I try to insert a citation in the body of my text in Pages 09 a window appears which asks me to search for a reference and then insert. However after finding and selecting the reference citation and selecting insert, the only thing that appears is the Bibliography heading at the bottom of the document stating that the Bibliography is empty because no citation is present, also no citation appears in the text either. Am I missing a step here? I have recently downloaded and installed the Endnote plugin for Pages 09 since I downloaded Pages from the App store. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thank you
I would recommend you take a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDpiE286L0I which is the EndNote training video for Cite While You Write in Pages.
- Mathilda, the EndNote team