I would like to abbreviate the Series Title (stored in the Tertiary Title field) when the reference type is a Book Section.
I use abbreviations of journal titles and series titles, and have included all my abbreviations in my journals term list. I then linked my journals term list with the primary title, secondary title, and tertiary title fields. In my customized output style (Chicago 16 A adapted) under Journal Names preferences and “Journal Name Format” I selected the radio button of “Abbreviation 1” and left the check box for “Abbreviate journal articles only” unchecked, since I want EndNote to abbreviate journal titles and series titles.
But while primary and secondary titles are abbreviated, when the reference type is a Book Section, where there is a primary title (article or chapter title), a secondary title (the book title) and a tertiary title (the series title), which I want abbreviated using the abbreviation in my journals term list, this tertiary title remains unabbreviated. How do I fix this so tertiary titles are abbreviated just as primary and secondary titles?
For example, when the book has only two titles (a book title and a series title), the bibliography contains the correct abbreviation (AOAT instead of Alter Orient und Altes Testament):
Jursa, Michael. Aspects of the Economic History of Babylonia in the First Millennium BC. AOAT 377. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.
But when there are three titles (an article title, a book title, and a series title), the bibliography does not contain the correct abbreviation, even though the journals list is linked to that field:
Stolper, Matthew W. “No Harm Done: On Late Achaemenid pirku Guarantees.” In Assyriologica et Semitica, edited by Joachim Marzahn and Hans Neumann, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 252, 467-478. Münster: Ugarit Verlag, 2000.