How to Abbreviate Tertiary Titles

I would like to abbreviate the Series Title (stored in the Tertiary Title field) when the reference type is a Book Section.

I use abbreviations of journal titles and series titles, and have included all my abbreviations in my journals term list. I then linked my journals term list with the primary title, secondary title, and tertiary title fields. In my customized output style (Chicago 16 A adapted) under Journal Names preferences and “Journal Name Format” I selected the radio button of “Abbreviation 1” and left the check box for “Abbreviate journal articles only” unchecked, since I want EndNote to abbreviate journal titles and series titles.

But while primary and secondary titles are abbreviated, when the reference type is a Book Section, where there is a primary title (article or chapter title), a secondary title (the book title) and a tertiary title (the series title), which I want abbreviated using the abbreviation in my journals term list,  this tertiary title remains unabbreviated. How do I fix this so tertiary titles are abbreviated just as primary and secondary titles?

For example, when the book has only two titles (a book title and a series title), the bibliography contains the correct abbreviation (AOAT instead of Alter Orient und Altes Testament):

Jursa, Michael. Aspects of the Economic History of Babylonia in the First Millennium BC. AOAT 377. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.

But when there are three titles (an article title, a book title, and a series title), the bibliography does not contain the correct abbreviation, even though the journals list is linked to that field:

Stolper, Matthew W. “No Harm Done: On Late Achaemenid pirku Guarantees.” In Assyriologica et Semitica, edited by Joachim Marzahn and Hans Neumann, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 252, 467-478. Münster: Ugarit Verlag, 2000.

I’ve requested this from the various owners of Endnote at various points over the past 10 years and they still haven’t implemented it. Don’t hold your breath.

it is right