How to cite a web page in APA 6th edition

I can’t seem to get the group that published a web page (Dept of Transportation) to appear in the web page entry for APA 6th edition.  I’ve searched your forum and it suggests using Endnote Web but I’m using a university owned laptop with university owned Endnote software and it doesn’t appear that I can access the Endnote Web version.  Is there another solution to either accessing the Endnote Web version or being able to get the bibliographic entry to work for a web page.  I’ve tried putting Dept of Transportation into every available opening but nothing works.

you don’t need to use Endnote Web.  you may need to edit the output style to include the field that the missing information is listed in.

As Leanne noted, you don’t need EndNote Web to create a bibliography entry for a web site reference entry (i.e., Dept. of Transportation). If you have the EndNote program on your laptop there’s a reference type specifically for web pages. Just create a new reference then select the Web Page category by clicking the reference type’s drop down menu.

EndNote’s APA 6th output style template already includes a pre-made bibliographic Web Page template so once you’ve created the reference in your EndNote library, return to your MS Word doc, generate an in-text citation which in turn will generate the web page bibliography entry. If the template doesn’t fully meet the APA requirements then some modification might be needed.