Note, if there are more than one Manuscript from the Collection, it will appear more than once in the bibliography, if you use the attached version of the Turbian footnote output style. But it may need to be further modified, as I don’t know where it will appear alphabetically in your bibliography… I didn’t test that thouroughly as I don’t have any real records as this reference type?
I edited the manuscript templates as below (spaces not in field names are all link adjacent).
Alternatively, you could type in the MS 1234 in front of the inserted footnote and only have a record with the collection, archive and place name, but where should it appear alphabetically? same concern as above.
want footnotes such as:
MS 1234, ABC Collection, XYZ Archives, London.
footnote manuscript template:
|Author. |Manuscript Number, |Collection Title, |Library/Archive, |Place Published|.
And the corresponding bibliography entry to be:
ABC Collection, XYZ Archives, London.
Bibliography manuscript template
|Author. |Title, |Collection Title, |Library/Archive, |Place Published|.
Turabian 8th Footnote manuscript.ens (96.8 KB)