How to copy 1 selected reference, only 1! (out of e.g. 20 from search list) into my existing EndNote X6 data base?
If I try I always get all 20 references, although I highlight only one. Or, even worse, without any further action, all references from the search have been inserted into my personal EndNote library.
In older versions of EndNote, I used to highlight the one new reference from the many references of my search list, and clicked “copy selected reference into chosen library” -and it worked.
First it depends on which mode you are in. There are three modes (Local Library, Online Search and Integrated). In EndNote X6, you can find the modes in the upper left-hand corner. To just retrieve individual references from a search, you should be using the Online Search mode (the icon with just the Globe). After you perform a search, highlight the record or records you want. Next, either click the “Copy to Local Library” icon, or click the References menu > Copy References To and select the name of your library file. When you switch back to the Local Library (the icon with the books on Windows and a house on the Mac), you will now see a Copied References Group showing the items you added to your library.
Jason. I just wondered if any user has actually ever contacted you guys and said “What a great idea, making it the default to incorporate all the references from a search automatically into my library!”
-- Have the developers ever reconsidered making that the “default” option?
Note the arrangement of the mode buttons in X6.0.1. Local Library Mode is now the default for new installations. For existing customers, if you switch to Local Library Mode that state will be remembered and applied in subsequent EndNote sessions.