How to go from "(author, year)" to "author (year)" in Word 2007?

Hello Endnote-professionals,

I would like to know how I can write the following ‘citation’ in MS Word 2007 and still have the entry in the reference list:

“Hunt, Moyer et al. (1997) found that a lower earnings volatility is related to a higher market value of equity.”

instead of

“A lower earnings volatility is related to a higher market value of equity (Hunt, Moyer et al. 1997).”

In essence it means only the opening bracket has to be moved back (and the sentence rephrased). Manually moving the opening bracket in Word 2007 does not work, since the change is automatically undone. 

I use Endnote X2 in combination with MS Word 2007 on a 64-bit system.

I would greatly appreciate any help (and I apologise for this newbie question).


Edited: in EndnoteX5, there is an option to switch between (Author, Year) and Author (Year).  The following refers to versions X4 and earlier.

While since X5 there is a method to switch between the two, but as you have discovered - You can’t manually edit the text of the formatted citation as it is a field.

If you don’t have X5-X7 then: 

My suggestion is to work with Endnote with CWYW off.  Then after inserting the citation {author, YEAR #RecNo} you can cut the Author name and drag it in front of the citation –  to create  author {,YEAR #RecNo}.  This will be formated to Author (YEAR), when you manually format the document at the end.  Or you can achieve the same thing by just unformating that specific reference and making the same manual change and then reformat the whole document, which will also work.

Alternatively, you can hide the author from the inserted citation (right clicking in the formated reference and using the 'edit citation" dialog) and  then just type in the author name as you want it.   If you look at the “hide author” citation unformatted you will discover it looks like that I suggest you manually adjusted above. 

Probably shouldn’t give you so many options, only adding to the confusion!

Thank you very much,

I’m doing your suggested second solution (because it sounded easier to do) and it works. 

Just FYI for anyone who happens upon this. I’m also running endnote x4 in mac word 2007. author {,YEAR #RecNo} seems to be the best solution for when I need to cite author (year). Hope this helps someone else in the future. 

I agree - the second solution worked perfectly for me as well.

I was using a very old version endnote 7, and

“Meyer and Paulay {, 2005 #4777}”

will format into

“Meyer and Paulay (2005)”,

which is what i want. 

Now i have to use endnote X7, as the old version does not work with new versions of word.  now the same text formats to

“Meyer and Paulay Meyer and Paulay (2005)”,

which is ugly and not what i want. 

If I “format citation” and choose “exclude author”, and then “convert to unformatted citations”, i get

“Meyer and Paulay {, 2005 #4777}”

Then if i update citations, i get the wrong text:

“Meyer and Paulay Meyer and Paulay (2005)”,

X7 is full of bloatware, true junk.

long time endnote user

Since people complained about the requirement to actually type the name in front of the parentheses, as we happily did in the past, they created a new option, the Author (YEAR) edit citation option - which in the temporary citation looks like this 

{Abe, 1989 #101@@author-year} which will be formatted as Abe et al (1989)  Note the @@author-year which is how the edit “formatted” citation Author (year) gets coded in the unformatted citation.  This avoids you needing to ever type the author name in the document itself.  

Your “Meyer and Paulay {, 2005 #4777}”  should also work.   I find that I may also have to tweak the normal (Author, year) template  Citation template in your output style to(|Author, |Year| p.^pp. Cited Pages|)  – I also like to put in those separation characters to the Author (Year) template as  |Author |(Year) so you won’t  loose the open parentheses if you omit the author.  (see image capture3 attached) 

  • but you don’t want to combine the two approaches.  

Do not edit the formatted citation and apply the Author (YEAR) to a temporary citation like this: “Meyer and Paulay {, 2005 #4777}” as that effectively ends up with:  Meyer and Paulay {, 2005 #47771@@author-year}  as you will then get the double author.

The necessary settings in preferences for formatting should all be checked, in case you changed any of them.  A series of unformatted versions before and after formatting are shown  in images Capture1 and Capture2 attached.  

I found this video showing simple way to change the format.