I couldn’t find the answar myself, maybe someone in here are able to help
Is it possible to get Endnote to import my references formated in my personal reference type?
Eg. when importing a reference from ScienceDirect, EndNote, by default, uses “Journal Article”. I want it to use my home made reference type for journal articles? Same for books?Â
Now I have to edit the reference type afterwords, manually.
(Make a backup copy of your library before proceeding.) Select all the downloaded references (within the Endnote library window) then use Endnote’s “Find and Replace” function to find the Journal Article reference types and replace them with [the name of your modified reference type template]. (Refer to image #1.) [Go to the Endnote toolbar and select Edit >Find and Replace.]
Or, change the default reference type in the import filter corresponding to the database you’re downloading from to use your modified reference type template. (Refer to image #2.) [Go to the Endnote toolbar and select Edit >Import Filters >Edit name of the import filter.]
There are two science direct import filters in the folder: the original and your modified version. Are you sure Endnote is using your modified file during the import process? If you are doing a manual import (File >Import > File Name) the import filter selected should be your modified version. If you are doing a direct export from Science Direct into Endnote then the program might be defaulting to the original import filter file instead of using your modified file. To test this, first remove the original import filter from the folder then rename your modified file by removing the “(1)” from the file name. Perform the import and see what happens.
If the your (renamed) import filter still imports records as journal articles then both methods import records as journal articles.  This may suggest an underlying problem/bug in which case you should notify tech support: