How to Make a inter-link between two or several references


Some literatures, like books, have individual reference of every chapters. But I want record the book as well as the individual chapters. One way I think is I create a reference of the book and set links to every individual chapters. How can I do it?? 

I mean I want contain a reference record for the book and several reference records for the chapter, in which I can store the chapter pdf file. I don’t want to use the smart group because that I will have a lot of group in the list.

Or anyone have a suggestion??  Thank you.

I don’t think you can do what you envision in Endnote.  It is not a relational database, so you can’t attach a book to a chapter.  

You enter the whole (presumably edited) book as an edited book for when you want to cite the whole thing (rare in sciences). then you create one Book Section record with all the “static” information about the edited book, and then copy (ctrl c) that record and paste it (ctrl v) in as many times as you need and then add the Chapters in the author, title and page number fields. –  

Some publishers even let you download the information directly into endnote for chapters of a book and thus this removes the need to manually enter the information.  


Basically, I want to use EndNote as a files/document management program. If it is a edited book, the relationship/structure should be remained. I make marks and notes in the attached files after I read them. There is a trouble if the files are individual between the whole book and seperated chapters.

Or I can build a reference for the book, and link to every seperated chapter files?? 

No – You cannot link records to one another in Endnote.  Each chapter is a stand alone record  and the edited book is a standalone  record.  Notes in one are not transferred to others.  You can create a smart group based on the book title or a regular group, so they are all in one “place” but that is about it.  

@rexshen wrote:

…There is a trouble if the files are individual between the whole book and seperated chapters.

Or I can build a reference for the book, and link to every seperated chapter files?? 

Unfortunately the problem is having a single PDF of the book (within Endnote on your computer) because external links (to individual chapters; page numbers) are not permitted. If, however, you are able/have access to uploading files to a server you could then: 1) upload the PDF to the server; 2) in the URL field within the Endnote Edited Book type, enter the URL path location of the PDF on the server (when activated the entire book PDF is accessible); then 3) when you create individual Endnote “Book Section” records for each chapter you can designate the starting page number in the URL field by entering the pathname along with the page number.

If you don’t have server access all that can be done is to disaggregate the book PDF into separate PDF files by chapters. The idea here is to create separate files (which can be externally linked) which will be maintained in the Edited Book reference type but will be linked to the File Attachment field within the corresponding individual Book Section reference types. So for example, in the File Attachments field within the Endnote Edited Book attach all of the PDF files. Next, when you create individual Endnote “Book Section” records for each chapter in the File Attachments field, right-click and select File Attachments > Attach File, then navigate to the PDF folder within the .Data folder and locate and select the corresponding PDF within the numbered folder.