I jst noticed that all my endnote references are listed twice in my library (Endbote x5). I presume it has something to do with a connection to Endnote-web, that I am happy to delete if that solves the issue. Anyway, I would like to remove all double entries, but how do I distinct the ‘real’ entry from a copy? Thus, how can I delete the copies?
1. Before clearing out duplicate records, I would suggest saving a backup copy of your library by clicking “File>Save a Copy…”.
2. After backing up your library, make sure you are on the “All References” group of your EndNote library, then click “References>Find Duplicates”.
3. Initializing the Find Duplicates command will show you a window that is displaying the original record and duplicate record side-by-side.
* In some instances, the duplicate record may contain more complete information and this window allows you to tell EndNote to keep the more recently entered record instead of the original. However, if you know the more recently entered records are identical duplicates, you can click “Cancel” on this window to have EndNote highlight the more recently entered duplicate records automatically.
4. Upon verifying the results displayed on the temporary “Duplicates” library group, click “References>Move References to Trash” to remove the duplicate records from your EndNote library.
Please let me know if this helps.
Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support thomsonreuters.com