how to remove the issue information in APA 6

In APA 6, the information about the issue shoulde be removed if the journal is paginated across year in the reference. Fro example,

Embretson, S. E. (1998). A cognitive design system approach to generating valid tests: Application to abstract reasoning. Psychological Methods, 3(3), 380.

the number of issue (3) should be removed. But in the default APA 6 filter, this information is always included. So my question is whether there is a way to automatically remove this.

thanks a lot!

There’s arecent threadabout the inclusion/exclusion of journal issue numbers in APA. I didn’t have APA style manuals at hand for that discussion so please note that APA 6th indicates journal issue numbers should be included if the journal is paginated by issue (see section 7.01). So excluding the journal issue number would otherwise be incorrect or reflect a publicationn editorial decision.

If you still wish to pursue deleting the issue number field from the EndNote APA 6th output style just access the journal article bibliography template. (Go to the EndNote toolbar, select Edit > Output Styles > Edit APA 6th.)

Thank you for your reply!

this is the requirement from APA 6. It’s weird, but it’s true and I have to do this for one of final papers.

I am not sure about whethere this new or not in APA 6. There are two cases for the issue number: if paginated by year, it should be removed and if paginaged by issue, this infor should be included as you pointed out. So it would  be more appropriate to rephrase my question as “whether there is way to remove or keep issue number accordingly”

@russelzheng wrote:

…  “whether there is way to remove or keep issue number accordingly”

Yes but not automatically as it seems the EndNote issue number field (Issue) at present doesn’t differentiate between issue numbers paginated by issue or by year (for the latter situation what is the applicable APA 6th section?).

As a workaround it’s possible, however, to manually add a custom field to the Journal Article reference type for the purpose of specifically holding issue numbers paginated by issue (not by year) and using this field instead of the regular Issue field (which may indiscrimately hold issue numbers paginated by year or issue).  The result would then cause the issue number to be displayed only in the case of paginated issues; issue numbers paginated by year would be omitted.

Note that having a custom field for the issue number will be a disadvantage when searching and downloading references from online databases as the issue number will be automatically channeled to the Issue field. To identify whether the issue is paginated by issue or year will require you to a look-up each issue number to verify the pagination. Unless you want to manually verify each issue number suggest submitting the document with the current EndNote APA 6th setting and allow the recipient publication make the editorial decision of omitting issue numbers.