How to use Vancouver style with superscript

Hi everybody,

I ran into the same problem after switching from my old MacBook to my new one. Up until then Pages and EndNote went together just fine and I had no problem getting my in-text citations in a number (e.g. (2)) format while my bibliography was displayed in Vancouver style.

Now it it stuck on the Autor-Year format, not matter what I do. I tried your advice, changed the citation template “Citation” to (Bibliography Number) and even the “Citation - Author (Year)” displayed below that into the same format for good measure. Saved the style, made sure to switch to the new style in Pages - Pages just keeps on displying all in-text citations as “Author-Year”. I even went back on my old computer to see if the settings where somehow different there but they are exactly the same

I’m all out of ideas and would be extremely glad for some help.


I see this message about an update to 3.1  – maybe it will fix this too?

If you’re using Pages 6.2 or later and want to insert citations from EndNote* you will need to install the Pages EndNote Plug-in v.3.1.

*EndNote sold separately"

Thanks for your answer!

Yeah I am using the most recent version of both the plug-in and Pages, the latter seems to be the actual problem. I just found another user complaining about broken in-text citations, I suppose I’ll just wait for the next update and hope for a bug fix. Worst case, I’ll downgrade to Pages 6.1 or even 5 as all was running fine with those.

Very annoying but at least I know what the problem is now.

Dear Monica,

Is there a way i could set up and use the vancouver style with superscript on my online endnote as i dont have access to my desktop endnote.


a george

Do you use Endnote online with a institution with a site license?  The librarians there, might be able ot help you, if so.  Otherwise I am still not aware of any tool to view the online style formats for a similar superscripted style.

-Click Edit >> Output Styles >> Edit Vancouver

-In menu at left, under Citations, click Templates

-Highlight (Bibliography-Number)

-Click on A1 on top of editing window (this looks like an “A” with a superscript “1”)

-Close Vancouver style.  When dialogue box asks if you want to save it, say yes.  Give style a new name like
“Vancouver Superscript.”

Online version doesn’t give this ability, only the desktop version 

please i am not able to change style. where do i do that

@mbafetti wrote:

OK, nevermind- I found my answer!


In case anyone else is curious, this is what I did:


-Click Edit >> Output Styles >> Edit Vancouver

-In menu at left, under Citations, click Templates

-Highlight (Bibliography-Number)

-Click on A1 on top of editing window (this looks like an “A” with a superscript “1”)

-Close Vancouver style.  When dialogue box asks if you want to save it, say yes.  Give style a new name like
“Vancouver Superscript.”


Maybe this will help someone else.  Thanks again for helping me out in the past!


@mbafetti wrote:

OK, nevermind- I found my answer!


In case anyone else is curious, this is what I did:


-Click Edit >> Output Styles >> Edit Vancouver

-In menu at left, under Citations, click Templates

-Highlight (Bibliography-Number)

-Click on A1 on top of editing window (this looks like an “A” with a superscript “1”)

-Close Vancouver style.  When dialogue box asks if you want to save it, say yes.  Give style a new name like
“Vancouver Superscript.”


Maybe this will help someone else.  Thanks again for helping me out in the past!


i am not abke t give style  a new name .please help