Endnote Vancouver Style

Boa tarde! Eu estou a utilizar o estilo Vancouver, mas não consigo editá-lo de modo a que a numeração apareça em expoente e não entre parêntesis (3-5, por exemplo). Alguém sabe como isso se faz?

Hi! I’m using the Vancouver style, but I can’t edit it so that the numbers appear in exponent and not in brackets (3-5, for example). Does anyone know how to do this?

Here, try this (attached). The output style was modified: 1) not to use “ranges for consecutive citations”; and 2) display the bibliography number without any parentheses/brackets. (Refer to the attached image.)


Installing Individual Styles

1.Download the style and save to your computer…

2.Double-click the style file. It should open in EndNote.

3.In EndNote, go to “File Menu” and choose “Save As”. Delete the word “copy” with your style’s name and click “Save”.

4.Click on “File Menu” and choose “Close Style”.

Have version X1 or prior? Click here for instructions.
Vancouver_filipe_pinheiro.ens (43.5 KB)

Thanks for the reply! Do I need to install the desktop version to do that? I can’t open the file with the ENS extension, and I don’t know if I can do that without the Desktop version

Yes, you will need the desktop version of Endnote in order to install this output style file. However, if you are using Endnote online and accessing it through a network, you can contact your network administrator to install the output style file for you.

If  you are not accessing Endnote through a network, but directly to the web (Endnote Basic) you can either: 1) download the free 30 day  trial version of  Endnote  to install the output file and have temporary access/use for that period;  or 2) contact tech support for further assistance.

Free 30-day trial :  http://endnote.com/downloads/30-day-trial

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