IEEE Transaction 2017 Style ???

Hello Sir,

I upload the paper in IEEE transaction on power Electronics, One reviwer ask me about the reference style. I check in my paper and compare the paper style with 2017 papers. I find out that in 2017, the reference style is changed respecially for all IEEE transaction papers. Kindly, anyone share the new updated style 2017. 

Without the information on what the reference should look like, I eventually found this:  but not sure it reflects the 2017 changes.  Do you capture the month of publication in a field?  (I don’t)  This is close but not identical to IEEE (dated Aug 2016) available on the endnote website.  I renamed and attach it here.

References should be indicated using numbers in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2], and [3]), should be in a separate section at the end of the paper, and should be in IEEE style: 

Style for conference publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, in title of conference, dates of conference, location of conference, and page numbers (inclusive). Example: A. B. Researcher and I. N. Elper, “Loss-based analysis of switching converters under closed-loop controls,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf., 2010, pp. 3917-3926. 

Style for periodical journal publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, title of periodical, volume, page numbers (inclusive), month, and year. Example: C. D. Aodiet, R. G. Gue, and P. R. Phakter, “The Ran-Duga method for ac-ac converter operation,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 37, pp. 7721-7727, October 2014. 

Style for books: Authors (first initials followed by last name), book title. Publisher location: publisher name, year, chapter or page numbers. Example: B. B. Eriffel, The Design of Microwatt Power Devices. London: Energy Unit Publishers, 2012, Chap. 72.

IEEE (2016) .ens (42.6 KB)