Without the information on what the reference should look like, I eventually found this: but not sure it reflects the 2017 changes. Do you capture the month of publication in a field? (I don’t) This is close but not identical to IEEE (dated Aug 2016) available on the endnote website. I renamed and attach it here.
References should be indicated using numbers in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2], and [3]), should be in a separate section at the end of the paper, and should be in IEEE style:
Style for conference publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, in title of conference, dates of conference, location of conference, and page numbers (inclusive). Example: A. B. Researcher and I. N. Elper, “Loss-based analysis of switching converters under closed-loop controls,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf., 2010, pp. 3917-3926.
Style for periodical journal publications: Authors (first initials followed by last name), title of paper, title of periodical, volume, page numbers (inclusive), month, and year. Example: C. D. Aodiet, R. G. Gue, and P. R. Phakter, “The Ran-Duga method for ac-ac converter operation,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 37, pp. 7721-7727, October 2014.
Style for books: Authors (first initials followed by last name), book title. Publisher location: publisher name, year, chapter or page numbers. Example: B. B. Eriffel, The Design of Microwatt Power Devices. London: Energy Unit Publishers, 2012, Chap. 72.
IEEE (2016) .ens (42.6 KB)