Import citations to EndNote from Word 2007

Is there an easy way to take citations/bibliographies created in Word 2007 and import them into my  Endnote library?

Yes. If you have used the “Citations & Bibliography” function of Word 2007 or 2010 to create a list of references, citations, and a bibliography, you can import these into EndNote using the “Import Word Citations or Master List” options from the Cite While You Write toolbar - see the attached screen shot.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team


I have a similar issue, but the document I have been provided to work on has a bibliography that was not formatted in word. I believe the author used a different reference management software. Is there a way of converting it to EndNote?

Is there a similar fix for bibliographies that have been created using a different reference management software so that I can convert it to Endnote? 

that all depends on what package I think.  Possibly for RefMan, but unlikely for other propritory packages.