Importing from OpenGrey


I’d like to import from OpenGrey, the European grey literature database at  It exports as XML, in the OpenSearch format.

But I can’t work out how to import the file.   EndNote Generated XML does not work and I can’t see another import filter that looks possible.

Has anyone done this?   Can anyone help?

Thank you!


Keith Nockels

University of Leicester Library - UK

Hard to say without seeing the actual file but if the .xml file contains the bibliographic reference exported from the OpenGray’s bibliographic reference page, the file could be prepped in a different software to adjust the .xml file first. For example, if you have MS Excel (Professional or Ultimate as not sure if the Standard reads .xml files) you could open/import the .xml file into Excel to remove the html codes then save the file as a tab delimited or .csv (comma delimited) file. The tab delimited or .csv file could then be imported into EndNote but you’ll need to construct a filter to correspond to the file’s field names (“tags”). 

The following was tested in Excel 2010 (Professional) and one OpenGray .xml record exported from the bibliographic reference page:

  1. Open the .xml file in MS Excel; select “Use the XML Source task pane”; then click OK; click OK again when the message appears (“The specified XML source does not refer to a schema. Excel will create a schema based on the XML source data”).
  2. In the right panel (XML Source) three fields are listed: <value>, element, qualifier. Note that either “element” or “qualifier” could serve as an EndNote import tag but both will be included for this example.

     a. Select “element” then drag it to the A1 cell. (See attached image 1)

     b. Next, select “qualifier” then drag it to the B1 cell.

     c. Then select “<value>” drag it to the C1 cell.

     d. Click the “Refresh” button which will populate the columns. (See attached image 2.)

Now save the file as a tab delimited or .csv (comma delimited) file to be imported into EndNote. (Before importing will need to construct an EndNote filter to correspond to the file’s field names.)

I suggest that you might approach Tech Support at and ask that they assist you.  They are the experts at constructing these filters.  They may even work with OpenGray directly on a solution?

Thanks for that.  That works for me.  I don’t have much experience of creating import filters so will follow Leanne’s suggestion and ask technical support.

Best wishes,
