I’m sorry if this is a repeat. I’m a librarian trying to assist one of our patrons. Right now, the library doesn’t offer Endnote support; I’ve never used it and honestly, I have a very, very limited knowledge of it. My patron has a 200 page Word doc of untagged bibliographic citations and abstracts. Is there a way she can import this into Endnote? Does she have to transfer these records manually?
I would suggest that you and your patron reviewthis thread, and consider whether it isn’t better to access a database to import from, which will retreive more information traditionally available from a formated bibliography.
Most reference software developers seem to try to deal with this problem. Recently Mendeley has launched a function where e.g. pdf article are scanned for citations and bibliographic data. However there are many mistakes. And that may be fatal, if the information is simply relied upon, bacause mistakes would go directly into the paper.
There are also paid services where a word bibliography is “translated” into RIS format, that can be imported into EndNote. E.g. www.refmaster.info.
Otherwise the best solution is to simply type it or use EndNote connection files to search online catalogues. Good luck.