From Springer I received a file containing the Marc records of a number of ebooks.
I would like to import them into Endnote, but nothing seems to work.
I first converted it from a single line to a tagged format.
But Endnote does not ‘see’ any record at all.
As a check I tried to save some Library of Congress records as Marc and import them.
But I did not succeed there either.
I used Library of Congress import filter, and Library of Congress Connection file. I tried to change the MARC Record settings, but with no result.
The strangest thing is that about half a year ago I did succeed to imports some of Springer’s records.
So I reinstalled Endnote X, but I could not import those files either.
I would be very happy if someone can give me some advise.
or just a Marc file that I can import as an example
Thank you,
Marianne van der Heijden