Hi, I have exported records from our CDS/ISIS based system into ISO format and then using MARC Edit converted to MARC.
How do I get these records into EndNote?
The MARC files are here:
https:// dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2499866/channel.mrc
https:// dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2499866/channel.mrk
and the original ISO export is here:
https:// dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2499866/channeli.iso
I’ve tried a couple of filters that claim to import MARC records but neither work.
many thanks
The URLs you provided are secure (https) and included spaces which appears to prevent accessing the files (in spite of removing the spaces). Without seeing the arrangement of the data, a couple of guesses would be:
1. Endnote cannot import the data in the file format you’re using; and/or
2. The “tags” in the Endnote import filters you’ve been trying do not align with those in your data so the import filter(s) don’t work.
Refer to the endnote’s manual for more information on MARC records and creating MARC import filters. You can also contact tech support:
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Ok, so I’m going to create an import filter for my records. However I have come across 2 problems.
I have several different Reference types I want to import. They have the MARC code 003 which I have associated with field “Ref Type” but this doesn’t seem to be picked up in the import
I have a field that I want to split with the import file. How is that done?
Many thanks
Can you provide an excerpt of a sample record which shows the MARC tags and source lines? Otherwise, without verification here are some thoughts:
- In your filter you will need to create a separate template for each reference type (etc., Book, Edited Book, Computer Program). Before importing set the Default Reference Type setting in the filter to the desired reference type (i.e., Book) then import. (So you’ll need to import the records in groups based on reference type.)
2. You might be able to split an MARC source line into 2 different Endnote receiving fields if there is some special character within the source line that defines the 2 parts to be disaggregated.
Thanks for the help, here’s some example records -
=LDR 006850000000002650004500
=003 Book
=840 /SWFOR2/
=200 Joint, I.R.
=200 Pomroy, A.
=240 $bPlymouth Marine Laboratory$c1995
=230 DRA Contract Report SMCF/57 - Final report
=610 Hydroids isolated from Tamar estuary; biofouling algae from Plymouth Sound
=810 SE.I/Gb.41
=820 PML Miscellaneous Publications [LIB-132]
=830 /chl5/
=835 /tj/
=840 /nisc33/
=840 /4//srp1//r95//lpml//bwret//s.18//ssw//sw4//ns5//balg//binv/
=845 Biology
=845 British Isles
=845 English Channel Coast
=845 England
=224 Algal development in biofouling
=250 15p
=LDR 007000000000003130004500
=003 Journal\Article
=840 /SWFOR2/
=892 1663
=893 82
=324 Science of the Total Environment
=350 22, 235-241
=343 1982
=810 SG.X/18
=830 /chlret/
=835 /tj//tf/
=840 /nisc6//bwret//s.18//ssw//bmol//poll//m3/
=845 Biology
=845 British Isles
=845 England
=845 English Channel, Coast
=845 Marine and estuarine pollution
=845 Chemical pollution
=845 Metals
=891 /Arsenic//Cd/
=100 Bland, S.
=100 Ackroyd, D.R.
=100 Marsh, J.G.
=100 Millward, G.E.
=124 Heavy metal content of oysters from the Lynher estuary, U.K
=LDR 005010000000002290004500
=845 Channel Isles
=845 Channel Isles
=003 Journal\Article
=100 Jeffreys, J.G.
=124 Report on dredging among the Channel Isles
=324 Report. British Association for the Advancement of Science
=350 1865, 1-3
=343 1866
=810 S.I/Gb.1
=830 /chlret/
=835 /tj/
=840 /s.17//b//bwret//ci/
=845 Benthos
=845 Biology
=845 British Isles
=845 Channel Isles
I should probably add that my MARC file is 254,000 lines long with Journal/Book etc item types randomly distributed within it. It is therefore very difficult to break it into individual files by item types.
Thanks for the records. I tried copying and saving them to a text file (.txt) to test an import filter but have been getting some buggy results. Could you export these or another set of a few records, save them as a text file, and attach it to your message?
If you have assorted reference types (e.g., Book, Journal Article, etc.) intermingled within the same file, it’s possible to search the file and replace the generic reference type tag (=003) with a unique identifier to differentiate each reference type. For example, replace “= 003 Journal/Article” with: =JA Journal\Article. With reference type having its own tag corresponding to the import filter’s template you can then import records as a particular reference type using the filter’s default setting.