Importing "Notes" text to EndNote Basic Online

Hello everyone,

I am transferring some 20 years old EndNote files by first exporting them to text documents with Refer codes (%A, %T, etc.) and then importing these into EndNote Basic Online. Some codes have changed during the years, but they are easily switched to modern ones.

The process works fine, but there is one strange problem. Many of my old references contain quotes and citations from books and articles. When I try to import such text into the “Notes” field using %Z tags, the text will not import. The Notes field is blank. However, importing into the “Research Notes” field will work, but I use that field for other purposes (bibliographic comments).

So, how do I import text into the “Notes” field (using %Z tags)? Are there any other fields that may offer a better storage of such text?

I will be most grateful for suggestions!

Best regards, Ishm.

Hello Ishmael,

If you are using the ReferBibIX Import Option in EndNote online then you will need to use %O for any information you want to go into the Notes field. The above character is “O” as in Oscar not a zero.

If you change the %Z to %O then the information will end up in the Notes field.

Let us know if you have any questions or if this does not resolve the issue.

Hello Tony,

Thank you very much for your reply and time taken to help me out.

No success I’m afraid. I followed your advise, but the text I want in the Notes field now ends up in the Alternate Journal field.

I guess, however, that the failure might depend on the import option. You wrote something about the “ReferBibIX Import”, but there is no such option in the import option list. I used the “EndNote Import” option instead and that may explain why some information ends up in the wrong field.

It would be a great help if ReferBibIX could be added to the list. Other solutions are welcome!

Very best regards, Ishm.

Hello Ishmael,

Please try changing the tag to %f instead and then try importing into EndNote online.

Since you are using the EndNote Import filter that should put the data into the Notes field.

So where is the ReferBibIX Import Filter?  It isn’t in the list anymore?

Hello Tony!

Thank you very much, indeed, for that valuable tip! I had no idea that small caps can be used to code fields (honestly I thought you made a typing error). Now importing excerpts and citations works fine.

It is still necessary, however, to prepare larger chunks of Notes text before importing them, as it is not possible to separate paragraphs with (%f-coded) blank lines for easier reading. I have tried to add some characters between the paragraphs, such as “…” or “-----”, but they are automatically omitted by EndNote. Instead I have added three plus signs (+++) before every parapragh. It looks a little odd, but it works.

Experiments with import and export of references, I have also found a rather serious problem with the export function (exporting keywords). I will post a separate message about this.

Meanwhile, thanks again for your help. I would never have found out on my own!

Very best regards, Ishm.