Hi - I found the answer to how to do this (export a library from EndNote 9 to be used on Endnote 6 or 7). In case anyone else is searching for a solution to this problem, here is the procedure:
Converting a Library for ProCite, Reference Manager, or an Earlier Version
of EndNote
Converting an EndNote 9 library for use with EndNote versions 5, 6, or 7,
for Reference Manager, or for ProCite requires exporting the references from
your EndNote library to a text file, and then importing from the text file
into the other program.
Note: EndNote 8 and EndNote 9 libraries are directly compatible, and
require no conversion.
If your references contain diacritics, you must do this carefully so that
your diacritics transfer correctly. Because EndNote 9 is Unicode compliant,
it exports text as UTF-8 Unicode, and not as traditional ANSI text.
Reference Manager, ProCite, and earlier versions of EndNote are not Unicode
compatible, so they need the document converted to ANSI text. If you attempt
to import references that have not been saved as ANSI text, diacritics will
appear scrambled in the new database or library format.
Note: EndNote 9 allows the use of Extended Latin and double-byte character
sets, which are not supported by EndNote versions earlier than version 8.
Extended Latin and double-byte characters will not transfer to earlier
version file formats.
To convert your EndNote 9 library for other applications:
In EndNote 9, go to the drop-down output style list on the toolbar, and
choose Select Another Style. Highlight and Choose the appropriate output
For EndNote 5, 6, or 7: Select the Refer style.
For Reference Manager or ProCite: Select the RefMan (RIS) style.
Go to the File menu and use Export to export your library to a plain text
Use Microsoft Word to open the text file you exported from EndNote.
When Word asks you to select an encoding option, choose “Other Encoding” and
“Unicode (UTF-8).”
In Word, choose File>Save As and save the document with a new name, as plain
text, and with Windows-default as the encoding option.
To import the saved file:
With EndNote: Use the Refer/BibIX import filter.
With Reference Manager or ProCite: Use the RIS import filter.
Hope that this is of use to someone!